The personal running blog for Weeble.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I missed hockey again

I used to play floor hockey at the local YMCA every Thursday evening, but I had to miss it tonight because of a rollout for work. I missed the last two as well, because I was feeling too tired from a run earlier each day. I'm enjoying running so much though that I'd rather miss hockey than miss a run! It's hard enough having to take a day off each week for rest.

I've been running at 10AM most days now, as that coincides with lunch hour on the east coast (where my clients are). I've been trying to run an hour each day, which is roughly my time for 10km. I love running in the morning in the fall in Edmonton, when the air is still chilly from the overnight lows. I wish the weather could stay like this all year!

My legs seem to be getting more adapted to running. I no longer feel any pain in my shins after each run. My hips feel a little tender immediately after running, but they feel normal by the time I get out of the shower or shortly thereafter.

I ran 10km this morning in about 1hr03 I think, which was about 4 minutes slower than yesterday. I was taking the pace a bit slower as I just didn't seem to have the energy I did yesterday morning. The run brought me up to just under 150km in September. I won't be able to this month, but I'd like to see if I can get up to 200km in October.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Pretty good week

It's been a while since I last posted - over a week - and I've put on quite a few kilometers. I ran about 47 kilometers since I last posted, including two 7km runs in the last 24 hours.

My Nike Plus challenge continues to be a strong motivating factor. A couple of runners in the challenge logged 20km+ days last week to jump way ahead. I'm in third place right now, but there's a gap of over 10km between me and the top two, and there are about 7 runners within 10km of me, so it should be a good run to the finish between now and September 30.

I was talking with my brother and father over the weekend, and they're both running regularly as well. My brother has been interval training, but he's developed shin splints and may slow it down a touch (like I have) to try to recover. My dad runs an hour a day 5 days a week.

My wife also signed up for a gym membership on Friday, and she's got an appointment with a trainer three times a week.

All in all, with Nike Plus and all the people working out around me in my family, I've got a lot of motivating factors to keep me running. I haven't felt this good in a long time (aside from the occasional complaints from my legs). I also can't remember a time that I've kept consistently running for this long, so hopefully I can keep it going.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Pain in my shin

I haven't been running as much as I'd like to recently. I took Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday off, as the inside of my left shin was very, very sore after my run on Thursday night. It wasn't anything like the shin splints I've had before.

I ran on Tuesday and Wednesday this week though (5km on Tuesday, 3km on Wednesday), but I deliberately slowed my pace from what I had been doing the week before. So far, my legs aren't complaining. I'm going to run again tonight, and I'll be keeping it slow again. I'd like to do 5km again, but I'll slow to a walk or stop altogether if I start feeling pain like I was last week.

I'm in a Nike Plus challenge right now - most km in September among a group of about 15 people. I was invited by someone that I met on the Cool Running boards. So far I'm not doing very well due to the four days I took off, but hopefully my legs will behave and I'll be able to narrow the gap.

Overall, I'm still feeling great - I no longer huff and puff throughout my runs, and I feel like I could actually carry on a normal conversation if I was running with someone. I'm not feeling lethargic anymore. Now if only my legs hadn't betrayed me. :-)

Sushiberry: A blog for discussion of baby toys, clothing, accessories, etc

My wife and I have started a new blog where we post and discuss items of interest to us, and hopefully other parents as well. Please visit us at Sushiberry!

We'll also be opening up an online store where we will sell some of our creations - things like handcrafted shopping seat covers to keep baby safe from bacteria, handcrafted bibs to keep baby stylish while keeping clothes clean, and assorted other handcrafted goodies.

Oh, and I have been running - but more on that later. :-)