The personal running blog for Weeble.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Thanks Lance!

My legs weren't as bad as I thought they would be today, so I ran another 5km run. My 5km time was 29'44", and I also ran an additional 400m before running the 5km to calibrate my nike + ipod kit. All told I ran/walked something like 6.6km.

When I was finished, Lance Armstrong congratulated me on my longest workout yet. Yesterday Paula Radcliffe did the same. I wonder what other goodies of congratulation the nike+ipod kit has in store for me. Nike and Apple did a great job putting this little gizmo together.

It's a clear day here in Edmonton, but I'm back at work bright and early at 7AM tomorrow, so I don't think I'll look at the skies tonight. By mid-september the sun will be going down early enough that I should be able to squeeze some running and stargazing in on clear nights like tonight.

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